Вступая в эру искусственного интеллекта, тайваньская чип-индустрия призывает к развитию возобновляемых источников энергии.


Taiwan’s chip industry is eager to collaborate with the government to achieve its goal of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. However, the industry executive emphasizes the need to expedite the development of renewable energy sources due to the increasing demand for artificial intelligence (AI). Taiwan is primarily reliant on imported natural gas and coal for energy, but it is making significant efforts to transition to more renewable energy options. The chairman of the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association believes that AI presents a unique opportunity for the semiconductor industry to undergo significant advancements and transformations. Stable and renewable energy sources are crucial for the industry’s development, and the government’s support in ensuring a stable supply is essential. The industry and government are in agreement on working together to achieve the net-zero emissions target by 2050, but challenges such as the lagging supply of net-zero energy need to be addressed by speeding up the pace of developing new energy sources. The chip industry is also concerned about the affordability of renewable energy. Alongside the push for green energy, Taiwan’s chip industry faces various pressures and competition in the global market.

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