Я был в шоке,” “Решение Apple было абсолютно правильным.” Руководители Tesla, Xiaomi и Li Auto реагировали по-разному на неожиданное устранение конкурента в лице Apple

sad face emoji. Musk’s response reflects his surprise at Apple’s decision but also his respect for the company’s choice.

On the other hand, the CEO of Xiaomi, Lei Jun, praised Apple’s decision, calling it “absolutely correct” in a recent interview. Jun stated that with the current market conditions and competition in the electric vehicle industry, it is important for companies to make strategic decisions that are in the best interest of their business.

Similarly, the CEO of Li Auto, Xiang Li, shared a different perspective, stating that he was shocked by Apple’s decision to exit the electric vehicle market. Li emphasized the importance of competition in driving innovation and technological advancements in the industry. He expressed his hope that Apple’s decision would not discourage other companies from entering the market and competing with existing players.

Overall, the unexpected announcement of Apple’s exit from the electric vehicle industry has sparked various reactions from industry leaders. While some view it as a smart strategic move, others see it as a loss for innovation and competition in the market. The future of the electric vehicle industry remains uncertain, but one thing is clear – competition and innovation will continue to drive the industry forward.
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