Сингтел запускает новый план роста Singtel28 – Singtel запускает новый план роста Singtel28


Singtel Group Chief Executive Officer, Yuen Kuan Moon, announced the launch of the growth plan, ST28, following the successful completion of the company’s strategic reset in 2021. This transformation aimed to capitalize on technology proliferation and digitalization accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Moon highlighted that the focus now shifts towards growth and sustained value realization, building on the strong foundation laid out through operational improvements and capital recycling programs.

The strategic reset led to a major restructuring of Singtel’s businesses, focusing on connectivity, digital services, and digital infrastructure. Significant investments in 5G technology were made, establishing leadership in Singapore and reaching over 80% of Australia’s population with 5G coverage. Moon emphasized the importance of delivering value to customers and shareholders through financial discipline and governance in the upcoming phase of growth.

The company identified new growth engines in the ICT and data center spaces, with expansions of NCS and Nxera in the region. Non-core digital businesses, Amobee and Trustwave, were divested to eliminate annual EBIT losses. Additionally, Singtel repositioned itself in regional associate markets by integrating services for fixed mobile convergence.

Singtel’s capital management program has raised S$8 billion in the past three years, enabling funding for growth initiatives and debt repayment. The company plans to use asset monetization to provide funding flexibility for core and growth businesses. The dividend policy will be adjusted to reflect the focus on enhancing core performance and rewarding shareholders through successful capital management initiatives.

The commitment to sustainability includes deepening efforts for climate action, setting a net-zero goal for 2045, and investing in employee reskilling for the digital economy. Singtel remains dedicated to driving innovation, enhancing customer experience, and creating long-term value for stakeholders in the ever-evolving telecommunications industry.
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