Объявление Гумбольдт – первый межконтинентальный кабельный маршрут Интернета между Азией и Южной Америкой


Google, together with partners in Chile and French Polynesia, has announced Humboldt – the first ever direct fibre optic network link across Asia Pacific to South America. This groundbreaking initiative will strengthen the reliability and resilience of digital connectivity across the Pacific. The direct fibre optic network link between South America and the Asia-Pacific region has been an ambition of the Chilean government since 2016, and Google says it is making it a reality.

The Humboldt project is the latest in Google’s digital infrastructure investments across Latin America and will join other infrastructure projects including the Google data center in Quilicura in powering Google services, the Google Cloud region in Santiago supporting customers across Latin America, the cross-Andes terrestrial connectivity between Chile and Argentina, and the Curie subsea cable linking Chile, Panama, and the West Coast of the United States.

Australian minister for communications Hon Michelle Rowland expressed her welcome for the new trans-Pacific cable, emphasizing its potential to enhance Australia’s global connectivity and complement their work with Pacific countries to secure better access to the global digital economy. On the other hand, French Polynesia president Moetai Brotherson expressed his excitement for the project, highlighting its potential to advance French Polynesia’s digital economy and keep Tahiti on the cutting edge of innovation.

The Humboldt cable is named for Alexander von Humboldt, a German polymath, geographer, naturalist, and explorer who travelled extensively to the Americas at the turn of the 19th century, in honor of his legacy. The moniker was selected by Chilean residents via a naming contest organized by Desarrollo País and Chile’s telecommunications ministry. Chileans already share a special connection to the Humboldt project, and Google says it is excited to work with partners to bring it to life. This initiative represents a significant milestone in the development of digital infrastructure and international connectivity, with the potential to drive economic growth and foster innovation in the region.
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