Эпическая ошибка: Apple отправила мужчине 60 штук iPhone 15 Pro Max на сумму в $96,000

, but instead received a whopping 60 units of the iPhone 15 Pro Max 1TB model.

As the Tik Tok user described in his video, he initially thought it was a mistake or a joke when he received the massive package from Apple. To his surprise, upon opening it, he found 60 brand new iPhone 15 Pro Max devices, each with a storage capacity of 1TB.

Thrilled by his unexpected “gift,” the lucky recipient quickly calculated the total value of the phones, which amounted to a staggering $96,000. Astonishingly, this mistake turned out to be quite fortuitous for @legends_gio.

In his video, @legends_gio expressed his disbelief and joy at Apple’s error, stating that this was the best mistake of his life. He showed off the impressive collection of iPhone 15 devices and expressed his intentions to keep some for personal use and distribute the rest among his friends and family.

News of this unusual situation quickly spread across social media platforms, with many people amazed at Apple’s blunder and expressing their envy towards @legends_gio. Some even jokingly mentioned their own dreams of receiving a similar accidental windfall from Apple.

Apple has not yet responded to this incident, and it remains unclear whether they will ask for the return of the extra iPhones or rectify their mistake in any way. Regardless, @legends_gio continues to enjoy his unexpected fortune and has gained a massive following on Tik Tok as a result of his viral video.

This incident serves as a reminder that even big companies like Apple can make mistakes, sometimes leading to unexpected but fortunate outcomes for individuals. While @legends_gio may have lucked out in this situation, it remains to be seen how Apple will handle the repercussions of this costly mishap.
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